Recently, I got escalated an issue where standard users were getting a UAC prompt when trying to open the registry editor (C:\Windows\Regedit.exe). Although many people on the net seems to think this is a normal behaviour, actually it is not, unless standard uses are assigned
additional priviledges.
Lets look into more details at how UAC really works.
I started by reading the info documented here:
and more specifically at the section "Win 7 UAC Code-Injection: How it works" although this does not explain why regedit.exe was asking for UAC to std users it is still interresting to know that there are groups of applications and not all of them interact with UAC in the same way. Regedit.exe is not on the MS white list so I kept digging.
My searches got me to stumble upon this forum entry, were the application manifest files were pointed out.
"You can run regedit without administrative privileges by launching it as a non-administrator. If you launch it as an administrator user, you get the UAC prompt, but if you launch it as a regular user, you get no prompt and most things outside of HKEY_CURRENT_USER are read-only.
regedit.exe is marked with <requestedExecutionLevel level="highestAvailable" uiAccess="false" />, which does not always ask for admin permissions, only if the current user is an administrator.
If you really need to run regedit as an admin user without admin rights, according to this thread, you can use the Compatibility Administrator tool to configure your system to ignore therequestedExecutionLevel"
To see the manifest for an application you can either edit the exe with notepad and you will find it near the end of the file or you can use a Sysinternal utility called
sigcheck and use the -m switch followed by the exe's path.
A bit more digging on the net to get to the Microsoft documentation on how to create an application manifest and this was the key to understand the UAC behaviour. As per this msdn article application uses manifest to communicate to the operating system their needs.
For UAC, the manifest attribute in which we are interested is "requestedExecutionLevel"
Here is a description of each level:
And here is a description of the UAC behaviour for each level for Administrators, Standard Users and Standard Users with additional priviledges.
The Consent policy settings (2nd column for the table above) can be identified either by looking at the GPO settings by running RSOP from an elevated command prompt or through the registry under
The following Microsoft article explains every settings:
Here is a screenshot of the Consent settings in the registry:
At the end it turned out that an application was adding Authenticated Users to a custom Database Admin group converting standard users in standard users with additional priviledges. So the lesson learned here is that when UAC is not behaving "as expected", the user rights have probably been modifyed. So a good thing to do is to check the membership of the local group to see if the Users, Authenticated Users or Everyone group are member of other groups giving them additional priviledges and modifying the UAC behaviour.
This is it for now. I do hope that you will find the info provided usefull.
Thanks for reading.